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  • Primary School
Our school is now closed for the summer ++ School opens to children at 8.50am on TUESDAY 27th AUGUST 2024 ++ Welcome to our school website! ++ School STARTS every morning at 8.50am ++ Please help us support your child's learning by ensuring they come to school every day and ready for the 8.50am start
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HMI Visit - September 2023

In September 2023, our school was visited by Kirsty Norbury, His Majesty's Inspector, from OFSTED to monitor our school's progress and development since the last inspection.


It was an extremely positive visit and it was judged that our school has met all of the improvement targets set by OFSTED in May 2022 in just 14 months.


The final report was published at the end of October 2023 and can be accessed here.
