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  • Primary School
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Our English Lessons

Our English lessons are linked to our topic work and we cover a range of genres within each topic. This year, children will learn to write stories, instructions, recounts, information texts and poetry using high quality texts and experiences as a basis for our learning. Children will also be taught to use a variety of punctuation including capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes.  



​Reading in Year 2 


Throughout Year 2 children will continue to develop their phonic knowledge. They will be taught to accurately read words with two or more syllables and words containing common suffixes. Children will continue to work on their ability to comprehend, predict and make links between the texts that they have read.


We will be regularly be sharing a class book. Children will be exposed to high quality, aspirational texts in order to further develop their comprehension and prediction skills.


For further information about what to expect from English in Year 2 follow the link below.
