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  • Buswells Lodge
  • Primary School
Our school is now closed for the summer ++ School opens to children at 8.50am on TUESDAY 27th AUGUST 2024 ++ Welcome to our school website! ++ School STARTS every morning at 8.50am ++ Please help us support your child's learning by ensuring they come to school every day and ready for the 8.50am start
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Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Buswells Lodge Primary School we are committed to supporting the emotional, mental health and wellbeing of our pupils, their families and our staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.


At our school we:

· help children to understand their emotions and feelings better

· help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries

· help children socially to form and maintain relationships.

· promote self esteem and ensure children know that they count.

· encourage children to be confident and ‘dare to be different’

· help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks.

help children to be persistent even when faced with challenges

help children to develop a ‘Growth Mindset’


We promote a mentally healthy environment through:

· Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging.

· Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision-making

· Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements

· Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others

· Providing opportunities to reflect.

· Access to appropriate support that meets their needs We pursue our aims through:

· Universal, whole school approaches

· Support for pupils going through recent difficulties including bereavement.

· Specialised, targeted approaches aimed at pupils with more complex or long term difficulties including attachment disorder.

Lead Teachers:


Mr Fewster - Headteacher

Mrs Poynton - SENDCo

Inside Out: Guessing the feelings.

Fuel For the Day!

At Buswells Lodge we are proud to work alongside Magic Breakfast, to operate our free Breakfast Club for our older pupils (Year 6).


Our Breakfast club opens at 8.15am and runs until the beginning of the school day. Children come to enjoy a breakfast meal together and then spend time reading sharing their love of books.


Buswells Lodge also operates a 'Bagels On The Go' programme.

At 8.45am each morning our staff and pupils take boxes of nutritious bagels onto the school playground for everyone to enjoy.


We encourage all children, parents and toddlers to take advantage of our 'Bagels on the Go' as they are free to everyone. We can therefore help to ensure that 'No Child is Too Hungry To Learn' - A shared ethos of both Magic Breakfast and our school.


To find out more about Magic Breakfast and Bagels on the Go, please follow the link below to our designated website page.


Buswells Lodge are also very proud to have secured sponsership from the Greggs Foundation in order to provide a free breakfast club to our Nurture Group pupils,


