At Buswells Lodge, all English lessons are planned in accordance with the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum for English, following the topics created by the Cornerstones Curriculum.
Within each genre of writing, children are immersed with a range of quality texts. Throughout every topic, written opportunities are provided to build understanding and application of the features for different text types.
Also with a focus on one topic every half term, children are able to demonstrate their writing skills across different areas of the curriculum.
Here are some websites which help you to read with your child at home.
(for pre-school children or foundation stage)
You can also Google search for;
'Love reading for kids'
Useful English Links for children to access at home:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zgkw2hv (KS1 English)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zv48q6f (KS2 English)
http://www.pobble365.com/ (Daily SPAG and writing challenge)
https://www.storylineonline.net/ (online reading of hundreds of books)
https://leicesteruk.overdrive.com/library/kids (Leicester Library Service)