Buckle up your seat belts and take a deep breath as your time in Year 6 is about to start. YES it is hard work, YES there is lots of homework and YES we sit tests at the end of the year....BUT we can guarantee lots of laughs, (some) funny jokes and a great time.
All of the staff in Year 6 would like to bid you a very warm welcome and we can't wait to get to know you better.
The Teaching Staff are :
Mrs Blake Ms Dwyer Mrs Robinson
Mr Chance
Homework is set on a Friday using our online learning platform - SeeSaw. It is expected to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Staying safe online and using the Internet is crucial to growing up in the 21st century. Whilst the Internet can be a fun and excellent way to gain new knowledge, it also has its pitfalls.
Here is the short video we have talked about in class to help you to stay safe online.
Use the CEOP button !!