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  • Buswells Lodge
  • Primary School
++ Welcome to our school website! ++ School STARTS every morning at 8.50am ++ Please help us support your child's learning by ensuring they come to school every day and ready for the 8.50am start
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School Values and Ethos

Mission Statement


Buswells Lodge Primary School exists to meet the learning needs of children through the effective delivery of the curriculum and aims to get the best for every child and the best from every child.



To achieve this vision we will

  • Know every child as an individual and try to meet their needs according to their abilities.
  • Create and sustain exciting learning environments where learning can take place from first-hand experience.
  • Promote the development of lively, enquiring minds
  • Give emphasis in our teaching for children to observe and record carefully, accurately and to achieve work quality
  • Value achievements and give praise for good work, progress and behaviour
  • Develop well-motivated children who have an awareness of their present world and of the possibilities which may open to them in the future.
  • Help children work independently and with others and display attitudes of tolerance and respect
  • Offer to our children a sense of identity where they are secure in the knowledge of their own personal worth yet responsive to the needs of a wide and culturally diverse community
  • Respond to the interests and concerns of parents as our partners
  • Develop the skills of all our staff to improve the children’s learning, enable them to experience success and bring them happiness
  • Maintain an effective and efficient administration where resources are used to improve the quality of learning and create a good working environment
  • Seek continuous improvement in our school
  • Work in partnership with all others who share these ideals.


