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Curriculum Rationale




Our Learning Community


Children are at the heart of all we do at Buswells Lodge Primary School. We value the individuality of each child, acknowledging the worth of all that they bring with them and their impact on the life of the whole school. Buswells Lodge is an inclusive school, catering for children at different levels of ability. Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced curriculum which allows children to explore their own creativity whilst challenging them to achieve highly.


We structure learning to excite our children’s curiosity and to inspire them to become successful, lifelong independent learners. Our teachers and teaching assistants are enthusiastic and passionate about their teaching, spending considerable time planning interesting and interactive lessons, with first hand, practical experiences that will always be remembered.


At Buswells Lodge, we believe that ability is not fixed and that with hard work and a positive attitude towards learning, good progress will be made. We subscribe to the theories of Dr Carol Dweck and have started to embed her ideas into our school ethos. We believe that with hard work and effort anything is possible.


With a growth mindset students understand their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence.” C. Dweck


We want our children to value effort, embrace challenge, respond to feedback and view their mistakes as the first step in learning. We want them to have high aspirations for themselves and believe that their goals are attainable. We believe that this mindset will help children to achieve whilst at Buswells, but also in their future lives.


Aims / Rationale:


At Buswells Lodge Primary School, we recognise that quality classroom practice is the key to improving learning and pupil achievement. This is not designed to be a comprehensive ‘recipe’ of how to teach at Buswells Lodge, but it aims to outline the fundamental principles which underpin all Learning and Teaching at our school which follows the research of Shirley Clarke and Carol Dweck. The aim is both to reflect the current good practice in the school, and to encourage further development of interactive and formative assessment strategies.




Primary National Curriculum programmes of study

The curriculum is progressive and builds on prior learning


School Learning Powers and

Curriculum drivers:




























Big Idea Approach – Enquiry based learning

Big idea launch activity to engage and provoke curiosity. Children are active learners.

Connected curriculum experience across core and foundation subjects.

Landing activity to consolidate, celebrate and share learning.

Teachers plan and sequence lessons carefully to build on prior knowledge and maximise learning.



English – Collect, Connect, Create Cycle

  • High quality texts drive and engage learning
  • Phonetical decodable reading scheme to support early reading
  • High quality daily phonics sessions following Little Wandle in KS1.

Science - Taught as a discrete subject – cross curricular links made where possible.

  • Practical investigative opportunities
  • Cross curricular and outdoor learning maximised

Maths – Taught as a discrete subject – cross curricular links made where possible.

  • Mastery teaching
  • Daily arithmetic
  • White Rose maths
  • Balance of fluency/ reasoning/ problems



Wider curriculum

History and Geography are planned discreetly through different themes.

Each subject is sequenced progressively through the long-term plan

All subjects are coherently planned and time tabled.







Schemes of Learning:

  • Music -  Kapow
  • Art - Kapow
  • D&T - Kapow
  • History - Kapow
  • Geography - Kapow
  • Computing-Kapow
  • PHSE - Kapow
  • RHE - Kapow
  • PE - PE Hub
  • MFL (French) -  Language Angels


Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning opportunities maximised across all subjects

Teaching & Learning

Working Memory Techniques – Carefully sequencing of learning, interleaving and revisiting previous learning, working walls, building on existing knowledge

 Keep up not catch up principles: Pre-teaching, creating success criteria together, in the moment verbal feedback to progress, support and address misconceptions


Assessment for Learning

Ongoing/comprehensive teacher assessment of children’s learning in all subjects. Used to inform planning and implementation of KUNCU strategies. Teachers develop a clear and accurate picture of strengths/ areas to develop. Subject knowledge and skills continuum used to assess foundation subjects. Peer feedback and Assessment are also used. Regular quizzes and Big Maths Challenges completed by pupils.

Summative assessment Statutory assessments are completed at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Termly Maths and English Standardised Assessments support teacher judgements, teacher assessments and inform planning against National Curriculum objectives mapped along with skills progression used to assess foundation subjects.

