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Our Handwriting

Nelson Handwriting


This academic year have begun to implement the Nelson Handwrititng Scheme and Font across the entire school- Foundation Stage to Year 6.


The Nelson Handwriting Programe teaches pupils how to achieve beautifully joined handwriting in simple easy to follow steps.

It starts with individual letter formation, basic first joins and then progresses on to more intricate joins.


Pupils are encouraged to hold their pencils and pens correctly, and to have the correct writing posture and positioning.


The programme is broken down into various stages;

  • Blue
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Book/unit 1 and 2
  • Book/unit 3
  • Book/unit 4


Blue focuses on basic letter formation, red and yellow introduce the first/basic joins, leading on to more difficult joins. Books/Units 1-4 progress through more difficult and intricate joins.



The Nelson Handwriting Programme
