Children can access Mathletics and TT Rockstars using the log in codes we have sent out.
If parents have any problems accessing ,Mathletics or TT Rockstars please speak to your child's class teacher or contact the school office for help.
Our school's Remote and Blended Learning Policy can be found here:
On Monday 8th February 2021, Local Authority School Improvement Partner, Mark Cordell, conducted a remote monitoring review of our remote and blended learning offer.
This included investigating our remote learning curriculum, the quality of online teaching and learning taking place and how we are marking and assessing children's work.
It was a very successful review and we were rated as GREEN in all areas.
The final report can be read here:
Keeping Children Safe Online
School will continue to provide online safety lessons for our pupils throughout the school closure period. To support this further at home, 'Think You Know' have created short video clips and family activities that you can complete together with you child. These activities are based on a variety of online safety topics and include:
* Cyber Security
* Social Media
* Sharing images
* Live streaming
* online gaming
There are also online learning packs that you can work through with your child. These are organise by age and are available at the address below:
Online Support
Our school is a certified 'National Online Safety' community member. They have provided us with many online guides for parents. These guides cover topics such as;
*Remote Learning
*social media
Please click on the link below to go to out Information and Support for Parents page.