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  • Buswells Lodge
  • Primary School
Our school is now closed for the summer ++ School opens to children at 8.50am on TUESDAY 27th AUGUST 2024 ++ Welcome to our school website! ++ School STARTS every morning at 8.50am ++ Please help us support your child's learning by ensuring they come to school every day and ready for the 8.50am start
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School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

A large part of the school council's time is dedicated to fundraising.  Please follow the link to our fund raising page to see what we have been up to.
Over the past three years, the School Council has also dedicated lots of its time towards achieving our 'Eco-Schools Green Flag' status. Please follow the link below to see all of our hard work.

Buswells Lodge School Councillors

2022 - 2023
